VMware / Hyper-V image

XorMon NG Virtual Appliance is an image for fast product start up.
It contains installed and configured XorMon NG product with all its prerequisites.
Note: this is a different appliance than Xorux Virtual Appliance we use for the first generation of our tools (XorMon Original / LPAR2RRD / STOR2RRD).

  • Deploy Virtual Appliance as per technology below

  • Log to the XorMon NG UI: https://<machine hostname or IP>/
    Default login: xormon / xormon

  • Upgrade to the latest available XorMon NG version (just in case the appliance does not contain the latest one)
    Upgrade docu

Download XorMon-NG-<ver>-OVF.zip and deploy it in VMware.

User credentials and further installation advices.


  1. Deploy the image as OVF template
  2. Start up the VM
  3. Open the console, it will print out the IP acquired by DHCP once it is up
  4. When you want to set IP manually then log in as root (for password check attached pdf) and follow the footnote on this page
  5. Open: https://<appliance IP>/ (https is required)
  6. Use "xormon" user with "xormon" password to reach the product UI

Network Interface Configuration - static IP

In Debian OS (the appliance is based o it) , network interface settings are primarily managed within the /etc/network/interfaces file and the /etc/network/interfaces.d/ directory, which can contain additional configuration files. Here, you define your network interfaces and specify how they should obtain an IP address, among other settings.

Execute everything under root user or under sudo

  • DHCP:

    example configures the eth0 interface to use DHCP to obtain an IP address automatically (default in Virtual Appliance).

    vi /etc/network/interfaces
    # The primary network interface
    allow-hotplug eth0
    iface eth0 inet dhcp
  • Static IP:

    For a static IP configuration, you would specify the address, netmask, gateway, and possibly DNS nameservers.

    vi /etc/network/interfaces
    # The primary network interface
    allow-hotplug eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
Applying Network Configuration Changes

After editing your network configuration files, apply the changes using the ifdown and ifup commands. These commands deactivate and reactivate your network interface, respectively.

ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0

For the new network settings to take effect, you may also restart the networking service entirely.

systemctl restart networking

More info: man interfaces or How To set static IP on a Debian Linux.

  1. Download XorMon-NG-<ver>-OVF.zip

  2. Unzip downloaded ZIP archive

  3. Open Nutanix Prism UI
    • Find Image Configuration in Settings
    • Create image named xormon-vmdk with image type DISK and appropriate Storage Container
    • Upload *.vmdk file extracted from ZIP archive

  4. Wait until import operations are complete and create new VM using imported image as primary disk (Add Disk, select Operation Clone from Image Service and select xormon-vmdk as Image)

  5. Size it as per readme docu which contains also user access.

  6. Change Boot Configuration of created VM to use DISK instead of CD-ROM (you can remove CD-ROM safely, you don't need it), don't forget to add Network adapter